Monday, January 8, 2007

Why could it not always be so easy?

On my trip through Israel two weeks ago, I once again made a great discovery, that explains a lot about the situation here.
Me and my girlfriend from Norway were sitting in the bus from Jerusalem to Ein Gedi (at the Dead Sea!). When suddenly she receives a Short Message on her Cellphone.
Mahaba, sweet olives and luck on your way. Welcome to Jawwal in Palestine, your Palestinian mobil phone provider.
Half an hour later, we arrive in Ein Gedi, when she receives a new message.
Welcome to Jordan Net!
So she has been to Israel with her Norwegian cell phone. The cell phone manages to link up with the Israeli Orange Network, later the same day with a Palestinian Network and later with a Jordan network, all without showing her passport once.
Why cannot all international politics be so easy? What do they tell us about the cultural differences? I say: When we can communicate, we should connect! How come the mobile phones, are able to travel this world without boundaries!
The only problem is just, my israeli mobile, has a Orange Contract in Israel and of course the Orange network covers all of the West Bank, so for me, it is not really important to switch to the Palestinian Provider. Israeli Mobil Providers, even though they don’t have a license, still cover all of the West Bank and the Gaza strip. In fact a report by the Arab Advisors Group from Septermber 2004, indicates that the West Bank is the zone that has the highest competition of mobile phone providers in the Arabic world. So it is not a question of being unable to communicate, it is a matter of wanting to communicate. Hmm… Yeah… is it not interesting, how international politics can be explained with something as simple as a cell phone…

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